Home Remedies for Cracked Feet: Easy and Effective Solutions

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

March 28th, 2024

Do you struggle with cracked feet, even after trying numerous remedies? You’re not alone. Cracked feet is a common problem experienced by most people at some point. It causes pain when we walk barefoot, and it is disgusting for many individuals to walk barefoot in public. You can overcome these dry heels by using cracked heels treatment at home, and If the cause of the cracked heel is due to disease, you need to consult a healthcare professional to treat them.

Causes of Cracked Feet

  • Lack of Moisture

Skin dehydration is one of the main reasons for dry cracked heels. Dehydration causes the skin of our heels to lose its elasticity and capacity to hold moisture, which causes peeling and splitting.

  • Weather Conditions

Exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as extreme cold and hot temperatures, can damage the skin’s natural oil, making the feet dry and crack.

  • Footwear

Unfit or open-back footwear can put excessive pressure on the heels, causing friction that may eventually lead to cracks.

  • Prolonged Standing or Walking

Individuals who spend long hours standing or walking are more prone to developing dry, cracked heels due to increased pressure on their feet, which can cause skin thickening to thicken over time.

  • Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, or psoriasis can impact skin health, potentially leading to dryness and cracking on the heels as a symptom.

Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

  • Moisturizing with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has well-known moisturizing properties. It helps to soften rough skin, making it an excellent treatment for cracked heels. Before bedtime, apply warm coconut oil generously on your feet and put on socks to allow the oil to penetrate deeply overnight.

  • Epsom Salt Scrub

Epsom salt is used to relax in a bath. It also works as an exfoliating scrub for cracked feet. Mix Epsom salt with olive oil or water to create a paste-like consistency. Gently massage the scrub onto your heels to remove dead skin cells and reveal smoother skin.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar aids in softening dry skin and accelerating the healing of foot cracks. Combine equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar. After letting your feet soak in the mixture for ten to fifteen minutes, peel them out and apply moisturizer. 

  • Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is well-known for its soothing and healing properties, making it an excellent natural remedy for cracked heels. Extract fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf or use store-bought pure gel. Apply it directly onto the affected areas of your feet regularly to promote healing and hydration.

  • Honey and Oatmeal

Honey has antibacterial properties, while oatmeal acts as a gentle exfoliant – together, they make an effective foot mask for treating cracked heels naturally. Mix honey and oatmeal into a thick paste, apply it on clean feet, and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

  • Shea Butter

Shea butter, derived from the nut of the African shea tree, offers remarkable benefits as a natural remedy for cracked feet. Packed with vitamins A and E, shea butter deeply nourishes and moisturizes dry and cracked skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe discomfort and reduce redness. Regular application of shea butter can soften calluses, repair damaged skin, and leave your feet feeling smooth and rejuvenated.

  • Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a versatile product that can work wonders for cracked feet. Its ultra-hydrating properties make it an ideal solution for repairing dry, cracked skin on your feet. By applying petroleum jelly generously to your feet and covering them with socks overnight, you can wake up to softer, more nourished skin. Most dermatologists recommend using Vaseline petroleum jelly. Regular use can help prevent further cracking and keep your feet looking and feeling smooth. 

Simple Feet Care Routine To Follow

  • Daily Cleaning: Build a habit of washing your feet regularly after usage of shoes & slippers. Regular washing of shocks after wearing them for one time is good for removing oils and dirt and maintaining hygiene.
  • Exfoliation: Soak the feet in warm water and rub gently using soft foot cleaners. This helps remove dead skin cells and keeps your feet smooth.
  • Moisturize: After drying your feet thoroughly, apply a rich foot cream or moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and prevent cracks.
  • Trimming Nails: Trim your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Maintain the nails by not cutting them too short or round the edges.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: Choose footwear that fits well and provides proper support to avoid blisters, corns, or other foot problems.
  • Regular visit to dermatologist: Get a regular visit to the dermatologist for any signs of redness, swelling, or sores. If you notice uneven signs, visit your dermatologist.


While home remedies for cracked feet can be successful if followed consistently. It is vital to consult professionals on what home remedies and products you can use based on your causes and skin type. Contact Agelock for a more accurate consultation and personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and concerns.

Home Remedies for Cracked Feet: Easy and Effective Solutions
Home Remedies for Cracked Feet: Easy and Effective Solutions
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